
Heading to Berlin!

berlinToTarTu is going to Berlin in August to soak up the creative music culture of this hip, cool city.

I know this much about the city as I was in Berlin in November, 2010 and had my own personal experience there.  That said, I am going back to live there for a while.

Some standouts for me were the people. Whether I was just lucky I’m not sure, but I met some really down to earth cool people.  Berliners, for me, are uber friendly.

The trains I found were nostalgic holding a charm that always made me think of what it would have been like the decade after post WWII.  No idea whether these trains were the same but my mind would drift down to the east and west Berlin days.  Really thought provoking.

Plus the trains made my friend from Sweden, Elizabeth, and I, famous for Andy Warhol’s 15 minutes of fame as we managed to feature in the Berliner Morgenpost when they ran an article about the train system actually not working for a few hours due to some fault.  We were interviewed and my response to what we thought about the trains being down was “we love Berlin anway”.

I was leaving Berlin the morning after this interview and as I was boarding my plane I grabbed every newspaper available as I was not sure which paper was running the story.

Half way through my flight to Charles De Gaulle airport I found my name and the article!  Made my trip!  The article was framed when I returned to Melbourne and hung proudly on my wall!!

Happy days 🙂

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